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Course Archives

Prayer #655

Taught by Allen Webster, will be an in depth study of this essential topic.

Old Testament History #660

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of Old Testament History.

Nahum-Malachi #616

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

Genesis #601

Taught by Billy Bland, will be an in depth study of this Old Testament book.

The Church of the Bible #648

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will cover the significance of the one true body of Christ is discussed in scripture.

Hosea-Micah #615

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

Harmony of the Gospels #625

Taught by Kevin Rutherford [B.A.], will show how Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John complement each other in giving a unified account of the life of Christ.

Bible Geography #643

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will consider the geographical features of the Bible lands and how studying those features can aid in understanding the events of Scripture.

Daniel #614

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], will be an in depth study of this Old Testament book.

Ezekiel #613

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of this Old Testament book.

James through Jude #634

Taught by Scott Cain, will be an in depth study of these New Testament books.

Bible Archeology #665

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of this Bible topic.

Isaiah #611b

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be a continuation of the in depth study of this Old Testament book.

Jeremiah and Lamentations #612

Taught by Kevin Rutherford, will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

Hebrews #633

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of this New Testament book.

World and Domestic Missions #642

Taught by Scott Cain, will investigate the major considerations and common challenges faced by both missionaries and their supporting congregations.

John #624

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of this New Testament book.

Isaiah #611

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of this Old Testament book.

Proverbs and Song of Solomon #610

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

I Timothy through Philemon #632

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of these New Testament books.

Logic and Debate #653

Taught by B.J. Clarke [B.A., M.A.], will introduce principles of reasoning and rightly dividing the Scriptures and will show the value of and appropriate means and use of debate.

The Restoration #664

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], is a study of the Restoration Movement, the movement to restore New Testament Christianity following a millennium and a half of departure, digression, and division.

I & II Thessalonians #631

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of these New Testament books.

Psalms #609

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of this Old Testament book.

Chronicles #616

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.It is a continuation of Kings and Chronicles #606.

Philippians and Colossians #630

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of these New Testament books.

Job #608

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of this Old Testament book.

Ezra Nehemiah Esther #607

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

Luke #623

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of this New Testament book.

Early Church History #663

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], a study of the early church focusing on the congregations named in the New Testament and their particular histories.

Kings & Chronicles #606

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

Galatians & Ephesians #629

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of these New Testament books.

Sermon & Lesson Preparation #651

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], a course that will show various methods of preparing not only sermons and lessons but other things like articles and lectures.

I & II Samuel #605

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

I & II Corinthians #628

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of these New Testament books.

New Testament History #662

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study not only of the historical setting of the New Testament, but also the history recorded in the pages of the New Testament.

Languages of the Bible #646

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will provide an introduction of the languages in which the Bible was written—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek—and will also provide a background for understanding how languages work and how they have developed.

Mark #622

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of this New Testament book.

Joshua through Ruth #604

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

Exodus and Leviticus #602

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in-depth study of these Old Testament books.

Hermeneutics #650

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be a course focused on the method of correctly understanding the language of the Bible. Attention will be given to such things as attitudes and motivations, the interpretation of figures of speech, consistency, context, etc.

Acts #626

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be a verse-by-verse study of the book covering the establishment and early history of the church of Christ.

General Biblical Introduction #640

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], is an in depth study of the critical issues surrounding the Scriptures. Special attention will be given to the inspiration and transmission of the Bible and to overviews of various translations of the Bible, both ancient and modern.

Genesis #601

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], is an introduction and textual study of the book of Genesis. Special attention will be given to
fundamentals such as the existence of God and the veracity of the Biblical account of the flood.

Matthew #621

Taught by Tom Wacaster, is an introduction and textual study of the Gospel account of Matthew. Special attention will be given to the “Synoptic Problem.”

The Revelation II #635

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], will continue last semester’s systematic study of the book of Revelation with an examination and refutation of false doctrines attributed to the book.

Bible Geography #643

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in-depth study of the geography of the world of the Old and New Testaments.

The Gospel Account of John #624

Taught by Don Walker, will be a textual study of that wonderful, vital book.

The Revelation I #635

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], will be a systematic study of the book of Revelation with an examination and refutation of false doctrines attributed to the book.

Hebrews #633

Taught by Don Walker, will be an introduction and textual study of the book of Hebrews.

Grammar and the Bible #641

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an examination of the universal rules of grammar (from an English perspective) and will provide a means of applying those rules to a practical, logical, and sound understanding of the commands of God’s Word.

Acts II #626

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], will be from the perspective of a harmonizing of Paul’s epistles with the book of Acts.

New Testament Introduction #620

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an introduction of every book of the New Testament from a “lower criticism” perspective; that is, seeing the who wrote the books when and from where, why they did, and what students of the Bible can gain from each book.

The Messiahship of Jesus #649

Taught by Don Walker, will examine the “eternal purpose of God” as it centers upon Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The Messianic ideal will be presented through the pages of Scripture in both the Old and New Testament. The student will examine what Scripture teaches concerning the Messiah from everlasting to everlasting and the New Testament’s claim that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of God will be examined in light of Old Testament teaching.

Acts I #626

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], will be from the perspective of a harmonizing of Paul’s epistles with the book of Acts.

Studies in the Gospel of John II #624

Taught by Ted J. Clarke [B.A.] will begin with an Introduction to the gospel followed by a detailed study of the English text; will include areas of John that are abused by denominational doctrines such as the teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Oneness and Trinitarian Pentecostals, and others; and will also study some of the criticisms of the text of John by so-called theological scholars and liberal brethren who deny the plenary verbal inspiration of the book.

Old Testament Introduction #600

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an introduction of every book of the Old Testament from a “lower criticism” perspective; that is, seeing who wrote the books, when and from where, why they did, and what students of the Bible can gain from each book.

Advanced Canonical Studies #645

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.], is an advanced general Biblical introduction course. It will be a study of the “so-called” forgotten texts of the Bible, with an emphasis on comparing inspired Writings to such material. The student will want to read materials on pseudepigrapha and apocrypha (either between the testaments of post-New Testament).

Studies in the Gospel of John I #624

Taught by Ted J. Clarke [B.A.] will begin with an Introduction to the gospel followed by a detailed study of the English text; will include areas of John that are abused by denominational doctrines such as the teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Oneness and Trinitarian Pentecostals, and others; and will also study some of the criticisms of the text of John by so-called theological scholars and liberal brethren who deny the plenary verbal inspiration of the book.

The “Church Fathers” #668

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an overview of early church history focusing upon the “church fathers” and their roles in either upholding or moving away from the Bible and model of the early church whose establishment is seen in Acts 2.

Judaism: and the Ancients #669

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th., D.Min.]

Parables and Miracles #639

Taught by Ted J. Clarke [B.A.]

Christian Evidences #644

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.]