9th Annual World Evangelism Seminar – “Evangelizing and Edifying”

Tax Seminar 2024

Special Seminars 2020

5th Annual World Evangelism Seminar – Good News in 2020

Tax Seminar 2020 – A Preacher and His Finances


4th Annual World Evangelism Seminar

The Internet and Local Work

3rd Annual World Evangelism Seminar

Minister’s Finances and Taxes


Seminar on Preaching – Robert Taylor

Special Topics Seminar

2nd Annual World Evangelism Seminar

2 TIMOTHY 4:5 Make FULL PROOF of Thy Ministry Seminar

1st Annual World Evangelism Seminar

Seminar on Preaching – Tom Holland

Course Archives

Chronicles #616

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.It is a continuation of Kings and Chronicles #606.

Philippians and Colossians #630

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of these New Testament books.

Job #608

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], will be an in depth study of this Old Testament book.

Ezra Nehemiah Esther #607

Taught by Keith A. Mosher, Sr. [B.A., M.A., M.Th.,D.Min.], will be an in depth study of these Old Testament books.

Luke #623

Taught by Tom Wacaster, will be an in depth study of this New Testament book.

Early Church History #663

Taught by Daniel F. Cates [B.A., M.A.], a study of the early church focusing on the congregations named in the New Testament and their particular histories.