Bobby Liddell
Administrative Dean

Bobby Liddell

Bobby Liddell began his work with MSOP, as Dean of Admissions and instructor, in 1994. In 2002, he became Associate Director, and on March 27, 2007, the Forest Hill elders named him Director of the Memphis School of Preaching. On December 31, 2012, brother Liddell stepped down from being Director, and became Administrative Dean, in order to be able to preach and teach more.

Brother Liddell received his earlier education at Walker College and the University of Alabama in Birmingham. In 1977, he entered Memphis School of Preaching, and received the Outstanding Student Award upon graduation in 1979. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude) from Alabama Christian School of Religion (now Amridge University) in 1985, and received his Masters of Arts Degree in 1986. He has continued his education beyond the MA Degree. In 1997, he was given the Alumnus Of The Year award from the MSOP Alumni Association.

The Liddells have been involved in local work since 1979, working with congregations in Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee. Bobby has been associated with several publications, as associate editor, or editor, and has served as a staff member of other brotherhood publications. He has written articles for various papers and bulletins, numerous chapters for Bible study books and lectureship books, and has produced materials for Bible class use (unpublished). He directed lectureships in Florida and at MSOP, editing eleven lectureship books.

Liddell has experience in both radio and television preaching. He was involved in Christian youth camp work for more than fifteen years. He speaks in numerous Gospel meetings and lectureships yearly, and has made preaching trips to Singapore, the Philippines, Latvia, and Canada.