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53rd Annual MSOP Lectureship Playlist

Purer In Heart

David Sain - "Purer in Heart O God: Help Me to Be"

Nathan Liddell - "The Purity of Jesus Christ"

Larry Acuff - "The Pure in Heart Often Suffer for Righteousness' Sake"

CHAPEL: Charles Cordon - "Pure Lives" (1 Tim. 4:12)

Eugene Jenkins - “Purity in Glorifying God” (Mat. 5:13-16)

Mark Teske - "Purity in Our Desires" (Mat. 5:27-28)

Tim Kidwell - "The Purity of the Seedline of Christ"

Robert Williams - "Purity in Church Polity" (Elders)

Barry Kennedy - “Purity in Loving your Enemy” (Mat.5:43-45)

Michael Wyatt - “Purity in Forgiveness” (Mat. 6:14-15)

Adam Evans - "Purity in Missions"

Paul Sain - "Purity in One's Work Ethic" (Jas. 5:1ff)

Dan Winkler - “Proper Perspective LEADS to Purity” (1 Pet. 1:22)

CHAPEL: Daniel Webster - "Pure Preaching" (1 Tim. 4:16)

Clay Bond - “Purity in Mind” (Phil. 4:8)

BJ Clarke - "Purity in Speech 'Yea, Yea'"

Billy Bland - “Pure From the Blood of All Men” (Acts 20:26)

David Looney - “Purity in the Preacher’s Life”

Nick Nichols - "Purity in Service" (Mat. 6:24)

Terrance Brownlow-Dindy - “Purity in Worship ” (Jn. 4:23-24)

Denny Petrillo - "Purity in Prayer"

Tom Wacaster - “Purity in Business” (Mic. 6:11)

BJ Clarke - “Blessed Are the Pure in Heart” (Mat. 5:3)

Carlton Graham - CHAPEL: “Pure Relationships” (1 Tim. 5)

Nathan Franson - “Purity in Being Free From Worry” (Mat.6)

John Moore - “Purity and the Presence of God” (Mat. 6:1ff)

Bobby Liddell - “Purity in Marriage” (Keep Thyself Pure)

Mike Peters - Purity From Self Righteousness (Rom. 10:1-3, Mat. 5:17)

Mike Gors - “Purity in Mercy” (Mat. 5:7)

Victor Eskew - “The Purity of God” (Concept)

Brian Giselbach - "Purity in Parenting"

Don Blackwell - Purity of Motive

John DeBerry - “Thy Word is Very Pure” (Psa. 119:40)

Britton Bidigare - CHAPEL: “Pure Churches” (Eph. 5:11)

Dan Cates - “Purity in Judgment” (Mat. 7:1ff)

Tim Hayes - “Purity Brings Peace from the Prince of Peace” (Jn. 3:17)

Neil Richey - “Pure are the Peacemakers” (Mat. 5)

Mike McDaniel - “Purity in Doctrine” (vs. all the “isms”)

Philip Davis - “Purity from Sin” (Rom. 6:12) (How? Life-long?)

Wayne Rodgers - “Purity in Faith” (Mat. 6:30)

TJ Clarke - "Purity in Church Discipline" (1 Cor. 5)

Keith Mosher - “Purity in One’s Own Eyes” (Hypocrisy-Faith Stages)

Robert Taylor - “Purity in Building the Right Foundation” (1 Cor. 3:11)

Ladies Class Playlist
In accordance with 1 Timothy 2:11-12, the ladies classes at the MSOP Lectures were taught to women only. They are included here for the purpose of allowing women to learn from godly Christian women (Titus 2:3-5).

Purer In Heart

Berta Kennedy - “Whatever is Praiseworthy” (Phil. 4:8) (Women Only)

Luvenia Jenkins - “Whatever is Honest” (Women Only)

Carlie Bond - “Whatever is Just” (Phil. 4:8) (Women Only)

Tish Clarke - “Whatever is Pure” (Phil. 4:8) (Women Only)

Sheri Blackwell - “Whatever is Lovely” (Phil. 4:8) (Women Only)

Carla Moore - “Whatever is of Good Report” (Phil. 4:8) (Women Only)

Rebecca Davis - “Whatever is Virtuous” (Phil. 4:8) (Women Only)

Cindy Rodgers - “Whatever is True” (Phil. 4:8) (Women Only)