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51st Annual MSOP Lectureship Playlist

David Sain - Build On a Sure Foundation

Barry Grider - Build Your Hopes on the Eternal God

BJ Clarke - Time is Filled with Swift Transition

David James Stafford - CHAPEL: Hope: Delivered by the Gospel Preacher

Billy Bland - Build Your Hope on the Messiah

Wesley Simons - Ordianed to Eternal Life

Johnie Scaggs - Eternal Life in 1st John

Glenn Hitchcock - Hope in the Midst of Tragedy

Larry Acuff - Is There Hope Beyond the Grave?

Barry Gilreath Jr - The Hope of the Righteous Shall Be Gladness

Will Anderson - Do Not Build on False Hope

Glenn Colley - Important Things for Times Like These

Dan Winkler - Trust in Him Who Will Not Leave You

Duke Jackson Brown - CHAPEL: Hope: Received in the Gospel

Cliff Goodwin - Don't be a Hope Killer

Bill Dedmon - The Eternal Kingdom in God's Purpose

Tom Wacaster - He Only is My Rock

Rick Lawson - God's Everlasting Covenant Seed Promise

Mike Bonner - His Ways are Everlasting

Paul Sain - Hope Deferred Makes the Heart Sick

Barry Gilreath III - The Rainbow and God's Everlasting Promise

Matt Shelton - In Danger of Eternal Damnation

Keith Mosher Sr - If by Earthly Friends Forsaken

Tagiilima Esene Jr - CHAPEL: Hope: Where We Stand in the Gospel

Don Walker - Build Your Hopes on His Message

Allen Webster - Good Writing: Make His Hope Known

Eddy Craft - What Good Thing Shall I Do?

David Dixon - The Gift of God is Eternal Life

Steve Waller - Plow in Hope

Mike Dixon - Hope: The Anchor of the Soul

Sidney White - Be Ye Steadfast

Dan Cates - Build Your Hopes on His Mercy

John DeBerry - Covet Not This World's Vain Riches

Nicholas A. Bartell - CHAPEL: Hope: Saves

Bobby Liddell - Build Your Hopes for an Eternal Manor

Brian Giselbach - Secular Humanism's Assault on Things Eternal

Randy Robinson - Eternal Punishment or Life Eternal

Tim Wilkes II - Chasten Thy Son While There is Hope

Paul Sain - What a Lawyer Learned

Rob Whitacre - Who for the Hope Set Before Him

David South - The Fire is Everlasting

Dave Rogers - Earthly Words Have Eternal Consequences

Robert R Taylor Jr - When Your Journey is Completed

Ladies Class Playlist
In accordance with 1 Timothy 2:11-12, the ladies classes at the MSOP Lectures were taught to women only. They are included here for the purpose of allowing women to learn from godly Christian women (Titus 2:3-5).

Ladies*** Celicia Grider - God Can Give You an Everlasting Joy

Ladies*** Cindy Colley - God Can Give You an Everlasting Joy

Ladies*** Sheri Blackwell - God Can Give You an Everlasting Light

Ladies*** Dorothy Mosher - God Can Give You Everlasting an Kindness

Ladies*** Tish Clarke - God Can Give You an Everlasting Name

Ladies*** Susan Shelton God Can Give You an Everlasting Love

Ladies*** LuAnn Rogers - God Can Give You an Everlasting Peace

Ladies*** Jackie Walker - God Can Give You an Everlasting Home