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56th Annual MSOP Lectureship Playlist

2023 Lectureship - Who Is Wise?

One Who Applies God's Wisdom Literature - Keith Mosher

“Who Is Wise?” (James 3:13-18) - Scott Cain

“Wisdom Is The Principal Thing” (Prov. 4) - BJ Clarke

CHAPEL: “Who Is Wise?” (Hosea 14:9) - Joshua Alexander

CHAPEL: “Be Not Wise In Your Own Eyes” (Prov. 3:7) - Kaleb Nelson

“But Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?” (Job. 28) - Dan Cates

Will the Real Wise Man Please Bow Down - Wayne Rodgers

One Who Thinks Before He Speaks - James Rogers

One Who Behaves Himself Wisely In A Perfect Way - David Dixon

Who is a Wise Parent? - Tim Fuqua

“Is There Not A Wise Man Among You?” (1 Cor. 6:5) - Cory Orr

One Who Knows The Holy Scriptures - Clifton Angel

One Who Chooses the House of Wisdom - Bobby Liddell

One Who Praises God For His Goodness And Understands The Lovingkindness of the Lord - Dan Winkler

CHAPEL: God's Wisdom vs Wisdom of Tyre - Caden Mallory

CHAPEL: God's Wisdom vs Wisdom of Babylon - Shadrack Oppong

"Because the Preacher Was Wise..." - Allen Webster

One Who Builds His House Upon The Rock - Jerry Carmichael

How To Become Wiser Than Your Enemies - Ryan Manning

One Who Numbers His Days/Redeems the Time - Joey Davis

The Wisdom of Solomon - Michael Wyatt

One Who Embraces The Precious PROMISES of God - Paul Sain

“Christ, The Wisdom and Power Of God” (1 Cor. 1) - Peter Chin

One Who Wins Souls - Gary Hampton

CHAPEL: "Woe to Them Who Are Wise in Their Own Eyes" (Isa. 5:21) - Ben Williams

CHAPEL: God's Wisdom vs Wisdom of Egypt - Caleb Bennett

Wise Fools - Victor Eskew

The Wise Builder's Hall of Fame - Barry O'Ddell

"Great Men Are Not Always Wise" - Kaleb Hall

The Poor Wise Man That Saved A City Against A Great King, And Yet No One Remembered Him - Ben Wright

One Who Turns Away Wrath (Prov. 29:8-9) - Steve Vice

Wise Men Still Seek Him (Matt. 2:1-16) - Tom Wacaster

"Professing Themselves To Be Wise They Became Fools" (Rom. 1:22ff.) - Eddy Gilpin

“O That They Were Wise, That They Understood This,Their Latter End” (Deut. 32:29) - Cody Westbrook

The Church - The Manifold Wisdom of God - John DeBerry

CHAPEL: God's Wisdom vs Wisdom of Assyria - Savion Rayson

God's Wisdom vs Wisdom of Edom - Mark Garner

One Who Saves and Avoids Foolish Spending - Mark Posey

One Who Harbors Hope In His Heart - Kevin Rutherford

One Who Does Not Show Respect of Persons - Brian Kenyon

One Who Loves His Neighbor And Does Not Despise Him Prov. 11:12 - Russell Kline

One Not Deceived by Wine/Strong Drink - Michael McDaniel

Who is a Wise Ruler? - Jonathan Burns

4 Little Things That Are Exceedingly Wise - Neil Richey

One Who Humbly Receives Instruction/Correction - Billy Bland

The One Who is Wiser Than Solomon - Cliff Goodwin

God's Wisdom vs Wisdom of Edom - Mark Garner

Ladies Class Playlist
In accordance with 1 Timothy 2:11-12, the ladies classes at the MSOP Lectures were taught to women only. They are included here for the purpose of allowing women to learn from godly Christian women (Titus 2:3-5).

2023 Lectureship - Who Is Wise?

LADIES ONLY*** The First Woman's Foolish Attempt to Become Wise - Melissa Cain

LADIES ONLY*** The Wise Mother: Training Young Children God’s Way (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14-17) - Laura Boyd

LADIES ONLY*** "She Openeth Her Mouth With Wisdom" - Brooke Tate

LADIES ONLY*** The Wisdom of Jesus in Asking Questions - Teresa Hampton

LADIES ONLY*** The Wise Woman Builds - Tish Clarke

LADIES ONLY*** One Who Makes God Her Refuge in Times of Trouble - Stephanie Patton

LADIES ONLY*** Consider Her Ways And Be Wise Prov 6:6-11 - April Wacaster

LADIES ONLY*** The Wise Woman Who Saved A City - Vicky Rutherford